Monday, August 30, 2010

Want more than just nursing?

If you aren't too interested in what I have to say about nursing, but you like my posts, follow me over at my cooking blog!
I'll be posting LOTS of new recipes, methods, and photos!

Click here to go to Hungry Blog

Be back soon with more nursing adventures!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Everyone, meet Isabella Peppers Misses Puppy Dog!

This is my chihuahua, Bella. Without her, I would be so lost and so lonely. I love her so so much <3

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This ones for the boys

Previously, on Greg's Anatomy....

First, let me tell you that you should NOT be discouraged to become a male nurse! One thing that people look for in the hospital setting is diversity. Today, I had a nurse leave me my very first comment, and you know what the first words she typed were? "ITS ABOUT TIME WE HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE GENDER IN NURSING!"
This, if anything, should be inspiration to become a male nurse! Be different!

On another note, a few of you may be thinking that you don't have what it takes, education-wise. Let me tell you a little bit about my education.
I grew up in a household where going to school was optional. My mother left for work before school started and came home long after school let out. Long story short; My preference was staying home and watching Sailor Moon and sleeping. Eventually, I dropped out of high school for 3 years. I ended up going back just in time before I reached my legal age limit to graduate in Ohio. FINALLY I was done with high school!
Now, in college, I took a placement test and got placed into PRE algebra. This is the second to lowest math class that they offer. And because it has been more than 5 years since I took biology in high school, I have to take a bio class. Luckily, I placed into advanced english and don't require a reading class. ^_^
What I am trying to say is that even if you have a lower intelligence level than most people your age, start where you are placed and work your way up! This, to me, is an opportunity to learn the way your college teaches! When you take their lower level classes, you will learn THEIR way, resulting in a better grade than someone that learned something completely different in high school. Your prerequisites will be done in no time. ^_^

What kind of nurse do I want to be?

Previously, on Greg's Anatomy....

When it comes to deciding what kind of nurse you want to be, you really just have to follow your heart and determine what interests you.
I am really interested in ER [emergency room], OR [operating room], and ICU [intensive care unit]. Of course, I would like to be a general RN before I specialize in one of those departments. If I work as a general RN, I will be able to gain experience, learn a lot, and perfect the things that I do, thus leading into an ER, OR, or ICU job, where you have to know exactly what to do at exactly what time because people's lives depend on your actions.
Remember from my last blog? I wanted something new and exciting everyday. This is why I chose to focus on ER, OR and ICU. You may want to have one specific type of study, so things like neurology, orthopedic, and cardiovascular might be good for you.
Let this fall into your hands. When you are in school, see what interests you the most!

How did I know that I wanted to be a nurse?

 Previously, on Greg's Anatomy....

Some people just have it made; They know what they want, why they want it, and how to get it. I, on the other hand, had no idea WHAT I wanted to be when I 'grew up'. This may be the question that you are asking yourself right now. If you aren't one of those people that have a specific passion for a certain thing, you may need to explore! Let me tell you how I decided that I was meant to start my journey to becoming a male nurse.

When I was 8, I originally wanted to be a dentist. When I was 9, I wanted to be an actor. When I was 11, I wanted to be a singer/actor. Then, I went years without knowing what I wanted to be, but in the back of my mind, I still wanted to be a dentist.
Before I knew it, I was graduating from high school and got accepted into a community college with an major in dental hygiene!
One night I was watching Grey's Anatomy [LOVE that show], and I noted the many different things that can happen. All of the diseases, infections, and injuries that can occur in a lifetime. This made me think: Dental hygiene. Cleaning teeth, everyday. I wanted something exciting. Something new all the time. I wasn't going to get that with dental hygiene. So, I researched other fields to go into. I ended up deciding on surgical technology. Hmmm, interesting. Watching and assisting in surgeries seemed pretty exciting! So, I stuck to it...for a while.
"I DON'T WANT TO SPEND MY LIFE HANDING TOOLS TO SOMEONE!" I wanted to do something more. I wanted interaction with patients, I wanted to give shots to people, I wanted to do something important!

I hope this shows you that you can have NO idea what you want, but, with a little experimenting, you will somehow fall right into place. Pick something that interests you, determine what you like about it and what you don't, research other careers that have what that career doesn't have, and you will soon be on your way!

Hi, I'm Greg

Follow me on the journey to become a male nurse ^_^

In this blog I will document my life changing experiences that come with entering the medical field. From school, to work, clinicals, and even my emotional state of being through it all.