Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How did I know that I wanted to be a nurse?

 Previously, on Greg's Anatomy....

Some people just have it made; They know what they want, why they want it, and how to get it. I, on the other hand, had no idea WHAT I wanted to be when I 'grew up'. This may be the question that you are asking yourself right now. If you aren't one of those people that have a specific passion for a certain thing, you may need to explore! Let me tell you how I decided that I was meant to start my journey to becoming a male nurse.

When I was 8, I originally wanted to be a dentist. When I was 9, I wanted to be an actor. When I was 11, I wanted to be a singer/actor. Then, I went years without knowing what I wanted to be, but in the back of my mind, I still wanted to be a dentist.
Before I knew it, I was graduating from high school and got accepted into a community college with an major in dental hygiene!
One night I was watching Grey's Anatomy [LOVE that show], and I noted the many different things that can happen. All of the diseases, infections, and injuries that can occur in a lifetime. This made me think: Dental hygiene. Cleaning teeth, everyday. I wanted something exciting. Something new all the time. I wasn't going to get that with dental hygiene. So, I researched other fields to go into. I ended up deciding on surgical technology. Hmmm, interesting. Watching and assisting in surgeries seemed pretty exciting! So, I stuck to it...for a while.
"I DON'T WANT TO SPEND MY LIFE HANDING TOOLS TO SOMEONE!" I wanted to do something more. I wanted interaction with patients, I wanted to give shots to people, I wanted to do something important!

I hope this shows you that you can have NO idea what you want, but, with a little experimenting, you will somehow fall right into place. Pick something that interests you, determine what you like about it and what you don't, research other careers that have what that career doesn't have, and you will soon be on your way!

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